
Family tree-plate forms

We usually have the option of individually selecting the form of the labeled plates. However, it must always be adapted to the required proportions of the data set.

Not only different geometric shapes are conceivable. For example, we have already realized the name tags as individual leaves or fruits of the tree. Such forms can make the family tree or pedigree look modern.

There are probably no limits to the variety and imagination when it comes to the shape of the plates. In the case of very abstract shapes, however, we would have to take this into account when calculating the price.

You can see our most popular board’s shape on the following graphics. It is a combination of two coats of arms, which allows married couples to have a common, unified representation.

The simplest form would be the rectangular boards. This is recommended for modern styles. Rectangular boards can also be useful if the treetop or family tree looks restless due to many illustrations/secondary elements. We also like to use rectangular plates for additional information or simple lists of names next to ornate main boards.

In the case of complex family relationships and hybrid family charts (e.g. pedigree charts with many siblings or family trees with families of spouses), we can use different chart shapes to make the individual family strands easier to identify. If, for example, siblings are added to a pedigree, they can be identified by different board shapes so that they are not mistaken as direct ancestors (parents, grandparents, etc.).